Most Recent Entries
Readability Restored
Cosmology Course Complete!
A Note About Trying To Use Exceptions To Handle Errors From MySQLi In PHP
Category Creation & Editing Component Complete
Stephen Now In Full (24 bit) Colour
This Place Needs Some Pizzazz
I Passed!
Astrophysics: Tougher Than It Looks
The Return Of Colourcoder
Toys and Tools
A small selection of tools and files I've made for quick-reference purposes.
- A List of a few of the less exotic UTF8 characters and their code points (in both hexadecimal and decimal notation)
- A very simple tool for converting numbers and (UTF-8 encoded) characters back and forth between their decimal, hexadecimal, binary, and character representations. (Incomplete do not assume characters are properly converted yet.)
- Colourcoder. A tiny and highly portable colour selection tool. Ideal for learning about how computers represent colours or, if you're already familiar with the format, being lazy and finding just the right colour the fast way.
Other Places Worth a Peek
Links to other sites that are well worth visiting if you have an interest in their subject matter or need a service they offer.
- Study This is the place to go want to feed any interest in Astronomy or Astrophysics that you may have. You'll learn quite a bit and have something to show for it at the end.
- John Hogan Web Development. A designer of beautiful websites. It's very rare that I take commissions, but John often accepts a variety of commissions; assuming he isn't already fully booked, of course.